What time is it?!?
It's movin' time. I have started a new blog, if for no other reason, then I simply need a change. So the new address is www.mdestes.wordpress.com. I hope that some of you will come over and visit. I'm sorry to those who have been wondering where I've been. Life has been very crazy recently, and posting has been one of the last things on my mind. So, I seriously doubt many people actually read this. I plan on being a much more regular poster on this new blog. I will be attempting to blog at least once a week, if not more.
At 8:58 AM, Mom said…
Thanks for letting me know. I actually do look everyday and wonder where you are. Love you Mom
At 6:46 AM, Jeff Smith said…
I know the troubles of trying find time to blog. It can be difficult at times. Just keep at it. I'm told eventually it'll build up some steam. Good luck in your new endeavor!
At 2:58 PM, Pop said…
Hey are you sure that website is correct?????? It don't have a @ in it.
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